Take Your Pet on a Road Trip

road tripTravel Safely with Your Pets in the Car

Summertime is perfect for a road trip. If you feel you have to leave your pets behind, you don’t have to worry. With these travel tips, you’ll be able to bring your faithful companion along with you.

Cats become quite stressful when they have to travel. We wouldn’t suggest bringing them on a road trip with you. If you need to transport your cat somewhere, always use a carrier. It’s good for both you and your cat’s safety. If a cat becomes frightened, it could hide under your seat or get in the way of your pedals.

Dogs are great for bringing on road trips. However, you should take some precautions before you do so:

1) Make sure your dog is microchipped, tagged, and has their vaccinations up-to-date.

2) Bring along a crate or harness. This keeps your dog safe in case there’s an accident.

3) By no means, let your dog have its head out the window as you’re driving. Even though this may seem common, your dog could sustain injuries to the eye or ears.

We here at Prestige encourage you to take your pet on a road trip. To find out more about bringing pets on vacation or our hotel’s regulation on pets, read our post last year on Pets on Vacation. We hope you enjoy all your travels this summer!

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